Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Music to Cheer up

When I feel sad, I usually listen to jazz, and blues. That music makes me feel better, like I’m on a rainy night walking on the streets or something like that.
I like to go with my mood and a relaxing music like jazz and expressive music like blues are just great for me in times of sad mood. Random and soft jazz entertains me and makes me feel in fine.
I like to go with the flow, if you know what I’m saying, cheerful music is just not fine with me in times of sadness, I prefer to listen music according with my mood, when it’s party time the most awesome music, the most cheerful and loud the best. When it’s relaxing or thinking, soft, random, relaxing and expressive music are best suited in my opinion.
Music is just great; one of mankind better creations, besides, probably the diffusion of music in present time is extensive.  I don’t like very much the use of mp3 or headphones; use music to cheer up your mood is something that you can only do today, perhaps, too much noise had twisted our minds and the self-knowledge, especially in feelings matter.
I think music must be used in special situations. Using instruments, especially drums instead of recorded music, for me that’s the better way of listening to music.


  1. the jazz and blues music is very slow for me
    I prefer onfire music as reggaeton or music for dancing!!


  2. Do you like Miles Davies?, he really changed jazz forever... very good!!
